The story opens with Celestine eluding arrest with a friend as the police raid a brothel. While hiding out in the hayloft of the Count de la Braquette’s estate, she…
Three students Juanita, Jean and Hans bored with their life in Paris go to Brazil in search of sexual adventures. Las Chicas de Copacabana is a sexual coming age film…
The story opens with Celestine eluding arrest with a friend as the police raid a brothel. While hiding out in the hayloft of the Count de la Braquette’s estate, she…
Three students Juanita, Jean and Hans bored with their life in Paris go to Brazil in search of sexual adventures. Las Chicas de Copacabana is a sexual coming age film…
Central America in 1915. It is the age of revolutions, tyranny, captains and colonels in a small provincial town that is often invaded by some revolutionary group or other. There…
A wealthy ex-playboy, Count Roland tires of married life to the sex guide magnate Barbara and decides to return to his old ways. He poses as a butler and becomes…
A wealthy ex-playboy, Count Roland tires of married life to the sex guide magnate Barbara and decides to return to his old ways. He poses as a butler and becomes…
After repeatedly flaunting her peerless body to her servants, snobbish aristocrat Cecila (Muriel Montrossé) becomes the victim of rape. But the experience triggers a carnal awakening, full of socialite sex…